Sunday, 24 September 2023

Solo voyage.

"Grief is like the sea, sometimes the waves overwhelm you."

As time passes I realise that it isn't grief that is like the ocean, it is in fact life itself. Most of the time we bob along experiencing the highs and lows that life holds, the waves are bearable. Most of us will occasionally hit a spot of dead calm, it doesn't last and life would be boring if it did. Even those who we perceive must have an easy life will still have their highs and lows.

It is guaranteed that life will throw up massive waves, deaths, break-ups, changes that we have no control over. Everyone experiences those waves. My life with Tall had more than most. A few times I was washed overboard, drowning in the confusion. Tall was always there to grab my hand and pull me back onto our little vessel, and we would ride out the storms together.  

I think that is what differentiates the loss of a spouse from any other grief. To lose the person who was your co-pilot and rescuer means having to save yourself when washed overboard. It can take months to be able to pull yourself back into your little boat, and when you are back aboard, navigating life's waters is a lonely life. 

More than four years on and I'm still struggling to find my way. The waves keep coming, and I have struggled to get back into my little boat. Four years ago, there were other boats I could call on. They have all sailed off on their own journeys now. Maybe they thought I would be okay alone, maybe I wasn't grateful enough, maybe my plight was too much for them. 

So now I am missing Tall's hand almost as much as I did four years ago. There isn't anyone else to rescue me.

Monday, 19 June 2023

Not so nifty sixty

 Yesterday I celebrated my 60th birthday alone. Well I had the dog, but she doesn't drink prosecco and she can't eat chocolates. 

I opened the cards I had been sent, the ones from my children, and a handful from work colleagues. I then burst into tears and sobbed for the card that wasn't there. I thought about all the other birthdays with Tall and the last present he bought. You can read about it here; last birthday. Eventually the tears dried up, and I went food shopping. 

Despite repeated efforts, I never did get to my target weight. Everytime I get sad I eat. I'm not sure if it is the job itself or that I am the only person there who doesn't have someone, but I have really found the last six months hard. I have struggled to lose any weight at all, at least I haven't gained much. That's due to the walk to and from work though, I have lost all self control. 

The journey continues. Life continues.

Saturday, 29 April 2023

Time can do so much.

 I'm two weeks away from the four year anniversary of Tall's death. It all feels very strange still. The four years have seen so much happening, not just to me, but to the whole world, and so the four years feel much longer and at the same time it only feels like yesterday some days.

I was talking to a work colleague recently whose dad died January 2020. She was telling me about how her mom was coping and we shared stories of how silly things can set us off. Her mom, like me, still feels like he has just popped out, and that he'll be back soon. I don't think that feeling will ever go away. I told her that in my head I'm still married, that I still have a husband, I don't think I will ever stop feeling that way and can't imagine ever looking at another man. 

Last week I ordered a rose for Tall. I had seen last year that a prize winning rose grower had created a new rose called Bring Me Sunshine. I don't remember why I didn't buy it, and I only just got in my order for this year's bare root deadline. I can not think of a more perfect name for a rose in his memory. There will be tears when I plant it, just as there were tears when I ordered it. I have come to realise that the only way I can cope, and live any sort of life, is to not really think too much about him. Am I wrong? 

I still miss him when the trees blossom.

I still miss him when I see a classic car.

I still miss him when I sit in the garden.

I still miss him when something happens that I want to talk to him about.

Time has done so much to change my life. I never imagined I would be where I am now as we sat and discussed what would become of me. I will be forever grateful that I knew him and will always hold the joy and happiness that he brought me in my heart.

Bring Me Sunshine - David Austin Roses

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Goodbye 2022

 Hello 2023. 

What a transformative year 2022 was!  This time last year I had no idea how far I would travel, I had no plans, and was still living with some of the effects of my grief. A year on and I've lost 28 pounds in weight, have a job that I love (even if I don't always like the patients) and am happier than I have been in years. 

Looking back I can now see how hard life had been even before Tall died. The truth is that life changed when he started dialysis. We tried to live around it, but the fact is it's hard to carry on as if life is normal when  every other day is dialysis. When the cancer returned things became even tougher and the last few years I was swallowed up by the role of a carer, never really relaxing even when we were trying to be normal. 

I've reached a point where I look back and say to myself that I wouldn't want that life again, even if it meant I would have Tall back. Does that make me a bad person? Should I still be wishing he was back with me? Of course I would like the man I married back. The man who would dance like no one was watching at every opportunity. I don't want the man who was stuck on oxygen, that needed a wheelchair to go to hospital appointments. 

I still had moments in 2022 when I missed him so much I thought my heart would stop. When I cried so much, I didn't think I would ever stop. Yes, I still talk to him as if he is just in the other room, asking him to give an opinion about something I am contemplating. I don't think there will ever be a time when I don't miss him, like everytime I go in the loft or try to reach something from the top of the wardrobe.  Not long after Tall died a neighbour from across the road came to speak to me. She lost her husband 30 years ago and she said she still misses him when she is doing the garden, after all those years.

The fact is, that for the first time in quite a while, I am actually sitting on New Year's Day looking forward to the year ahead.